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alan arkin造句

"alan arkin"是什么意思  
  • Wong kar wai , steven soderbergh , michelangelo antonioni cast : gong li , chang chen , robert downey jr . , alan arkin , christopher buchholz , regina nemni
    演员:巩俐张震田丰robert downey罗拔唐尼alan arkin阿伦艾坚christopher buchholz基斯杜化毕祖尔regina nemni维珍娜兰妮
  • Thenewcomer jennifer hudson won bestsupporting actress for her role as spurned singer effie white in musical dreamgirls , and veteran alan arkin , 72 , won the oscar for best supporting actor in little misssunshine
  • The structure of the " dream inside another dream " is no doubt quite inventive , and the highly comical performance of alan arkin is also worth noting , but unfortunately , this entire story just seems to be heading to nowhere after all . it is a highly experimental work , which in its own sense , is perhaps inspiring and interesting , but if viewed as a whole with the rest of the
  • It's difficult to see alan arkin in a sentence. 用alan arkin造句挺难的
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